About the Property
The property comprises a detached steel portal framed building
with elevations of brick and blockwork, surmounted by
elevations cladding to eaves and continuing to the roof ridge.
The building features the following:
? Internal eaves of 6.4m (clear working height of 5.6m)
? 2 level access loading doors (h4.5m x w4.5m)
? Warehouse lighting
? Biomass fuelled heating
? WC's & welfare facilities within 2 storey office element
? 15+ car parking spaces
with elevations of brick and blockwork, surmounted by
elevations cladding to eaves and continuing to the roof ridge.
The building features the following:
? Internal eaves of 6.4m (clear working height of 5.6m)
? 2 level access loading doors (h4.5m x w4.5m)
? Warehouse lighting
? Biomass fuelled heating
? WC's & welfare facilities within 2 storey office element
? 15+ car parking spaces